
Hofgassen Garten

Urban garden: Neighborhood project to strengthen the community in the residential area.

Ivitation via Print and our Postman

„I started greening the alley a good year ago and wanted to approach you with the following idea: During the 1st & 2nd lockdown we founded a neighborhood choir that sang more than 50 times every day at 6 p.m. This then led to a small appearance at the MQ, for which we also received a fee. I would now like to use this fee for the following:
As soon as I know who wants to be there, I will get everything and announce a date when it starts.
IMPORTANT: There should be no further obligations associated with it and no one should feel obligated! If a friendly neighborhood and/or friendships emerge – wonderful, but there will be no fixed jour fixe or tea parties. For me it’s about beautifying the city, making it cooler in the summer and preserving something beautiful together. Kind regards – Bernhard Fleischmann“

